A New Beginning

Have been running around Atys since beta,watched the attacks on Pyr by the kittins and the [what was then awesome magical graphics of the mages and guards,which i think was reduced due to server lag } .Have seen the game rise from strength to strength until being dropped in the mire by Nevrax.But all through the following years the community stood by the game supporting in any way possible,until we were ressurected once more again the community pulled together to rescue the game,have looked at many games during the bad times but always drawn back home to Ryzom.Still see many old payers have supported this game over the years and this is nothing but an insult to the ammount of work [ not to mention subscription fees they have invested }
I wonder if any of the devs have ever played the game,and realise the ammount of time/work invested in creating a master lvl.Perhaps if they had they would not consider destroying 8yrs of history and rare items which will never be regained.Or perhaps all they can see are $ signs ,if money was the answer to the problem perhaps they should have asked us { have millions of dappers spare } again this just shows contempt and a lack of intrest in the community.Merging databases a difficult task {not impossible } or even the possibility of toons being given skills/lvls back individually on a new server.Sorry to have rambled on but is such a shame to see the death of so many toons,who i wonder deserves the new title '' Master Toon Eradicator '' one more afterthought perhaps we are being dumped again,new server no more WINCHGATE ??

In Atys we dream of real life only,but are we ready.
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Last visit Saturday, 28 September 10:22:17 UTC

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