A New Beginning

Unfortunately, I also fear that this transfer will deal a final blow to the playerbase. Ok, I'll be there after the restart, but I know too many who won't. Losing apartment, packers, guildhall, lots of items of memorial value, that is pretty hard. Sad also for RP players to lose all the witnessings of their deeds on the bark. Yet that is considered sustainable by many.
The loss of all the experience is a different matter. It cripples players who have won it over years and now, while lacking time as a professional or parent, may still connect, e.g. take part in kicking Aen's and her mates' butt every once or twice a week. They are maintaining their subs, therefore. I doubt they'll do in case they have to relearn everything from scratch because they simply lack the time for.

Please rethink ways to preserve experience in some way while keeping the advantage of clearing old overblown data structures. I cannot imagine that this is completely impossible or an unmanagable amount of data. Maybe you could preserve players' values for some time granting restore to anybody subbing or so. That might give an incentive for many to renew their sub, be it only to preserve their achievements.

Possibly you could just wait with that until a newly connected player has left Silan or even until she owns a full set of capital porters.


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