
Atyslympics - UPDATED 12/08/201

Thx for the post and some great ideas in there, but we would need the help from the event team for most of the events you guys did on leanon.

We did have something similiar in mind like your "survive the island" event where we would allow all weapons but no magic a bit gladiator based fights. I'll add that to the list in 1v1 and 2v2 later.

I love the bring a yubo idea and would be great once we make it to another land, if this works out we would try a similar event every year or so and pulling a yuo around lake lands would be over quite fast this year, but in jungle/forest/desert i can see that work :)

The finding things event you guys had does sound abit like our long distance mounting (i'll edit ours a bit so it resembles it a bit more we can see later what works best)


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