
Atyslympics - UPDATED 12/08/201

It's a great idea. The only downside would be imo, that there are not too many people who can compete in all disciplines.

We had a somewhat similar event on leanon some time ago, it was called 'Olympic Atys'. I'll tell you about it, maybe you get something out of it for your event. It was a group challenge, we had 6 or 7 groups of 5 people. Two out of the 5 people team were selected for each contest. Each contest had little prizes and there was a big prize for winning the turnament (by score).

1. 'Survive the chamber'
Two homins went to a closed area without escape. Spectators were at a safe place nearby. The E-Team then spawned increasing amounts of mobs near the two competitors in fixed intervals until they died. Free weapon and armor choice. No eggs or occupation products. Two attempts for every team.
Class: High-level PvE
Issues: Mobs wandering off & attacking spectators; solved by increasing distance
Result: Wide spread (20s...3min); Two general tactics got used: LA/nuking/healing (2., 4., 5., 6., 7.) and HA/heal enchants (1., 3.). Good success.

2. 'Survive the island'
Two homins each of two teams were put onto an island. Surviving team wins. Rezing was allowed by teammate, not by spectators. Free weapon and armor choice. No eggs or occupation products. Group rounds and KO semi/finals.
Class: High-level PvP
Issues: Inability to set up PvP between two guildmates; solved by leagues.
Result: Lots of fun. Clear, repeatable victories. Similar tactics for all teams with good placement.

3. 'Bring a yubo'
Two homins of each team had to carry a yubo as far as possible. Start location was near Yrkanis, Destination was hidden source gateway to desert. Yubos got renamed at start. Teams had to call a referee when they thought they couldn't bring it further or the yubo got killed to measure the score. Unlimited attempts within confined time (taking new yubo at start line).
Class: Mixed level PvE
Issues: Inaccurate distance measurement by compass (didn't change anything as teams were far apart)
Result: Lots of fun too. Wide spread results from 500 to 2000m. Different tactics applied.

4. Ludo/Parcheesi
A board was set up using spawned objects. Two players by team. Teams were /randoming just as in Ludo/Parcheesi.
Class: All level minigame
Issues: Took a very long time; at the end the process got speed up very much so that turns of different teams mixed, leading to confusion about who is out (got kicked or missed to kick an opponent).
Result: Some fun for the less athletic type of homins. No athletic challenge involved.

5. Kill the bad guy
Again two members of each team moved out to kill an event toon with boosted stats and his mini-challenges. Winner was the team that got him down most quickly. Two attempts for each team.
Class: High-level PvE/PvP
Issues: none
Result: Lots of fun, good athletic challenge.

6. Find the hmm... lets say object, don't remember
An object was hidden inside a vacant kitin stronghold and barriers set up to make movement harder / force detours.
Class: All level scouting
Issues: none / knowledge about toon collision area required / No maximum time set up
Results: Very wide spread; Took a very long time; Loosing teams that couldn't find the object or a way to get to it had to try over and over until success (some >30min without any chance of good placement).

7. Finding things
Teams (2 out of each team again) got mounted and had to find specific loot in specific locations. First set of hints was given at start in around chat, giving away the location of 3 or 4 different npc that gave clues where to find the loot.
Class: All level scouting/PvE
Issues: Can't control if spectators are helping (but it went well, nobody did it).
Results: Mix of riding skill, lakelands knowledge, riddle solving; lots of fun.
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