Some of the more crazy ideas:
Mounted dressage:
- Mount on walk mode and walk around in a circle do some special steps and some judges give points
- Homins do a dance infront of the judges to get points.
- Let the spectaters vote aswell in tell? Like with the aristople Guardians of Jena miss elections? Alot of work for the guy getting the tells but in the end everyone feels they took part in the process.
Duathlon / triathlon / pentathlon:
- Some combined events so we can see who would make the perfect warrior; running,swimming,shooting,mounting,fencing.
- Lets all be very inventive here :)
Weight lifting:
- This is just a crazy idea. We build a small parcour with fires (beer barrels I guess ;( ). Give the ppl ammo/sap crystals till they should be at a speedfactor 20 naked (we don’t count armor and jewels but they do have to come to the start decent pants+boots). They need to do the parcour one by one while a judge clocks the time.
Hammer the arma:
- We go to void or somewhere every participant has to bring an 1h or 2h mace (need to check wich is more fun); in a competition of 1v1 they kill the arma just with brute force first one that does the kill wins and goes up the ladder.
Hack the plant:
- We go to void or somewhere every participant has to bring an 1h or 2h AXE (need to check wich is more fun); in a competition of 1v1 they kill the plant just with brute force first one that does the kill wins and goes up the ladder.
Dig the mount:
- No idea if even proposing this idea is legal so to speak of.
- we put 2 mounts at a spot 1v1 the diggers try to kill one of the mounts.
- digger who gasses his mount first wins and goes up the ladder.
Pull the yubo:
- Could do this in yrk i think or some other awfull place with agro if there is even something worse matis lands.
- Every participant gets to taunt a yubo. And he has to bring it on his own as far as he can without it dieing or him dieing.
- This comes from Ulykus idea's but I think it is one we can setup without needing the event team just need to find a good spawn of yubo or we just call it pull the ragus/gingo and use those instead
Find XXX:
- These find the person (really easy with who in regions) or find the item (beer barrel) have been done loads of times
- Easy to setup but are they really a competition and do these deserve a place in the atyslympics? IF so I can come up with a bunch of ideas for these tip based or map based ...