
Atyslympics - UPDATED 12/08/201



  • Everyone.


  • These events will be held all over Atys.

What to wear:

  • LA / HA pants/boots (shirt/gloves/shoulders allowed), no skirts, no weapons


Short distance running:


  • This is a bit like the swimming. Homins start all together again run around the right plants/tree/beer barrels/... and return. First one that passes the 2 fires wins. GUESS WHAT HERE ASWELL WE GONNA NEED BEER BARRELS SINCE THE INSANE DESSICINION WAS MADE BY WHAT I ONLY CAN DESCRIBE A MADMAN TO REMOVE THIS GIFT OF THE GODS


Short relay running (3 ppl team):


  • This is a bit like the swimming. Homin teams all get an item from referee’s they run around plants/trees/beer barrels/..., come back trade with team mate, he then does the race. He trades with teamate 3, that one runs race and when he passes the 2 fires first he wins. OMG DON'T TELL THEY REMOVED THESE NICE CAMPFIRES WE SO LOVED? THIS IS SO SAD FOR ATYS.


short distance fast walking:


  • Homins start all together again WALK around the right plants/trees/beer barrels/... and return. First one that passes the 2 fires wins. WHAT YOU TELL ME HOMINS CAN'T MAKE A CAMPFIRE ANYMORE? GONNA NEED TO USE UGLY BEER BARRELS I GUESS AND NOT DO EVENTS AT NIGHT ;(

Where and how for short distance:

This can't be to hard to find spots all over Atys.

Long distance running:


  • This is like the swimming again. Homins run from checkpoint to checkpoint when they pass behind it they yell out their name in around. They finish when they pass the to fire beacons. YEAH YOU KNOW BY NOW NO MORE CAMPFIRES INGAME, I LOST MY ONLY REASON TO DIG INGAME


Long distance relay running (3 ppl team):


  • This is a bit like the swimming again. Homin teams all get an item from referee’s they run around passing the checkpoints like in long distance running, come back trade with team mate, he then does the race. He trades with teamate 3, that one runs race and when he passes the 2 fires first he wins. GUESS I NEED TO KEEP REPEATING MYSELF NO MORE CAMPFIRES I THIS GAME ;(


Long distance fast walking:


  • This is like the swimming again. Homins WALK from checkpoint to checkpoint when they pass behind it they yell out their name in around. They finish when they pass the to fire beacons. FIRE BEACONS YOU ARE ASKING? IF YOU PLAYED BEFORE MERGER YOU WOULD KNOW OF THIS GREAT CRAFTABLE ITEM THAT GOT YANKED OUT OF OUR HANDS

Where and how for short distance:

Same as before I'm sure loads of homins can come up with nice spots to do this



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