Temporary Insanity

Update :)

TI Is been Busy lately trying to get our Second Set of Plans
Completed, a few plans keep Eluding us but we are Still Very
much Comitted to Make it Happen.

2 Weeks Ago we manage to Set our Personal Record killing
4 marauder NPC Bosses and even dropping Lixie in a Amazing
Time of 2:45 secs. This was very Rewarding for us all because
we Spent Quite a bit of Time Discussing in Guild Chat how to Setup
to Maximize Damage Per Second(DPS).

And This last Saturday we Even beat our Previous Time and we
also Drop Lixie in 2:33 secs and we Still believe we can Improve
Upon it. We are so Close to Complete the 2nd Set of Plans .

I like to Thank all My Guild Mates to make the Time and Support
our Crazy Outings. We could not done all of this Without you all.


Am the Lizard King......... I can do Anything
Temporary Insanity Complaint Department Officer
Bring your own Tissues
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Last visit Wednesday, 18 September 13:31:23 UTC

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