Rangers Organisation! :)

I am marauder, and I don't care about the positive or negative effects of being marauder. I only bear pride in being one, and offer my actions and time to making marauders prosper. If you want to be equal to everyone else, and still be different, then you are a paradox.
For a (long) period all marauders exsisting had a life without merchants and trainers. We had to work for them. If other organisations don't have to work for it, that's fine for me, as long as they have to devote themselves for their choice. Just paying 30K and answering some questions isn't really devoting to it, as I think of it.

A good rite can put things right!

When the rite requires something, you'll see only people truly wanting get into the organisation. No matter howmany treats you get and lose. Ryzom always has standed for this: you gain some, you lose some. That's why there isn't just one religion, and isn't just one race.


Sometimes I blow into my fridge, so I get a "Fresh Breath"
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