Rangers Organisation! :)

I tought rangers would be more something like hominst/theist.
I was thinking +40 fame for all to be able to do the rite, but uncap the civ fame so a ranger can get +100 fame for all civilisations they try to protect and keep the faction fame cap at 50 since they don't give that much about fame.

I personally love this idea. I think if people are willing to be a ranger and put the effort in.. why not be able to reach 100+ in all fames? As a ranger you are actively protecting them all.

As to the fact that all path choices should be balanced.. well depends on what you think as ballanced. The marauders can't enter the 4 main cities but at the same time they have merchants that show stuff selling in every city whereas non marauders have to tp around to find everything.. is this fair? Everyone has a different opinion of what is balanced and what is not. If you put more effort into things you should get a greater reward in my opinion :)



Guild Leader of Syndicate

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I belong to the warrior in whom the old ways have joined the new
NB: Void respawn is where you can find the PVP, also willing to give lessons :)
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