Rangers Organisation! :)

Bitty mac'od: it was mainly a reaction to the idea of Suboxide to make the Rangers something akin to a civilization where Rangers should be able to get +100 fame for all (other) civs
If you see the Rangers as an extra civ then the marauders should be one as well - this lead to those calculations.

Currently all fame is balanced like this for the civs:
Neutral = max 50 everywhere
Aligned = +100 civ, 0 enemy civ, +75 aligned civ, +25 last civ (those are the max possible values)
If you add those up you'll always get max 200 fame over all civs.

So if you introduce the marauders as a civ they'd have to get from this point of view +100 maro and 0 all others (additional neutral 50 fame makes a total of 250) so there would be 150 fame "missing" for the maros but the game mechanics dictate that maros have to have -50 for all civs making it a missing 350 possible fame.

The introduction of the rangers as a 100+ max for all civs would lead to the same kind of problem just the other direction.
Rangers = 50 for neutral -> 250 in total possible but rangers have already 500 max possible. even if it's reduced to +75 max then it's 400 max possible (still 150 fame too much)

All choices should have a balanced amount of benefits and disadvantages.
And this balancing would be disturbed a lot for such fame choices.


I'm not against the idea of making the rangers available as a "organization" choice for homins (like the maros are on ari and ani already)
But I wouldn't include them as having an influence on maximum fame possible unless it's very well balanced which would be very hard with the given mechanics for maros or the idea given above for the rangers.


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