Rangers Organisation! :)

I tought rangers would be more something like hominst/theist.
I was thinking +40 fame for all to be able to do the rite, but uncap the civ fame so a ranger can get +100 fame for all civilisations they try to protect and keep the faction fame cap at 50 since they don't give that much about fame. They are more scolars in my idea i guess.

The current Marauder thing makes the fame realistically VERY unbalanced (I tried to balance it and had to add 7 new groups (all having a fame of 100 for marauders)!

I added the Dark Matis and Fyros Nomads with some realistic numbers (for the races) and 100 for marauders and it's the same number of extra groups, now the additional 5 would nearly all have 100 fame for all races though and don't like each other (5 + 2 = 7).

And when adding Rangers and Trytonists in there as well with (somehow) realistic values for the Marauders as well I get additional 8 groups to those 4 (8 + 2 + 2 = 12) all of them pretty much liking all races AND the marauders (not very realistic)

If you want to have a look at this OpenDocument Sheet I saved my calculations in it ;-)


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