Rangers Organisation! :)

I tought rangers would be more something like hominst/theist.
I was thinking +40 fame for all to be able to do the rite, but uncap the civ fame so a ranger can get +100 fame for all civilisations they try to protect and keep the faction fame cap at 50 since they don't give that much about fame. They are more scolars in my idea i guess.

about the more organistations debate:
I do like an uneven number when it comes to war, makes it alot easier to turn the tides.
And diversity is great in everything.

and about smaller guilds:
Well you are in a big guild but what do you have against a smaller guilds? I know bobs can't be cared for 24h a day in them but I'm sure most small guilds do a great job on helping their bobs. And AA has been small in the past aswell last year or was i 2 ago I left AA when i was only active member in it at the time. Guilds come and grow then dissapear again, that's great about ryzom. Bobs shouldn't be scared out of joining great small guilds.
And looking at what happend, at the moment 90% of marauders are ex-gojers, it was sad for us to leave GoJ, but we are still friends and chat with each other alot. Don't look at so dark you can be friends with ppl in different guilds/factions/civilisations/oragnisations/...
Just rember pvp and wars are for fun, kill eachother during the wars and laugh/chat/team with each other after them.


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