
My Appreciation

Hello Homins,

I would just like to thank everyone who has supported "Be'rahael Casken's RP Diary". Your support has kept the spirit in me to continue my story and has giving me a lot of practice as a writer. My story is coming up on 1400 views and I never thought anyone would read it that much (If thats considered a lot on here). If any of you have advice for me or any sort of constructive criticism i am willing to listen. I don't write for me I write for all of you. You all are my dearest friends and I will continue to entertain you with my emotions and outlook of Atys and place them into stories. Those that would like a place in my story i have no problem in putting you in. I write these stories to give players who don't RP or players that just like nice stories something to look forward to when they log on. I will never forget any of you and my loyalty will remain to Ryzom.

P.S. Those that want to be in the story send me an izam mail of the following:

3 weapons of choice your toon likes to use. Must be mastered skills.
The personality of your toon.
Faction and Race.
Armor of choice.
A brief background of your character (Optional)

Thank you.


The Black Cloud
Why you are weak? Because you lack Hatred
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Last visit Monday, 17 February 05:58:58 UTC

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