
Frequently Asked Questions

List of ryzom commands (not including emotes).

A list shows up in your system info listing out the players in your region in order of oldest at top to newest at bottom.

/who gm
A list of online game masters/customer service reps will appear in system info.

States your locations on atys. Words pop up on screen and appears in system info.

Will state the time in your area and the UTC time in around chat.

/afk (message)
Sets your character into afk mode alerting people you are not there and you can add a message if you like such as "dinner" or "dog".

This will open up the ingame support chat where you can find help.

/random (number)
In around chat you will draw a number between 1 and that number.

Quick way to follow your target instead of right clicking them.

/em (custom emote message)
Creates your own emote starting with your own name. Can also use preexisting emotes and use the animation for your own emotes by just adding your own message on when typing it. /rice throws cookies.

/ignore (name)
Adds a person to your ignore list.

/invite (name)
Sends a team invite to a person.

/guildinvite (name)
Sends a guild invite to a person.

/guildmotd (message)
Sets your guild message of the day (Can only use if Guild leader or High officer).

Will target your target's target.

/target or /tar (entity/part of name)
Will target a player/mob/NPC if they are close enough. Range it works in varies. Target entity macro is more useful.

/tell (name)
Sends a private message to a player.

/universe or /u
Redirects your chat to universe channel.

/region or /r
Redirects your chat to region channel.

/say or /s
Redirects your chat to around channel.

/shout or /sh or /yell or /y
Redirects your chat to around channel in the form of a shout. Covers more distance.

/party or /team or /p
Redirects your chat to team channel.

/guild or /g
Redirects your chat to guild channel.

/0 /1 /2 /3 /4
Redirects your chat to the according channel (factions, race, custom, etc).

/channel (channelname) (password)
Creates a custom channel of course own or enters an existing channel. Password is optional.

/channel (channelname) *
Closes a custom channel.

/who (channel name)
Shows a list of who is in that channel in system info.

/league (leaguename)
Creates a league. Only if you are a team leader, and brings team members into the league.

/leagueinvite (name)
Invites a person and their team into your league. Can invite a member of the team and the invite will go to the team leader.

Quits a league and quits your team from the league.

/leaguekick (name)
Kicks a person or team out of your league.

/a showOnline (mode)
There are three different modes. Mode 0 is the default setting allowing you to be seen by everybody. Mode 1 is where only your friends and guildmates can see you online, and mode 2 is where only your guildmates can see you online. Needs a relog to take full effect.

/appzone show
Will enable the application bar.

/a showOnline (mode)
Will disable the application bar.

/appzone (id)
Will open the application that corresponds to the id in the in game browser.

/appzone reload
Will refresh the application bar.

/appzone list
Will open the list of available applications.


Meagy :)
Spirit of Atys
High Officer of Spiritus Artificis
Never argue with an idiot; they will just drag you down to their level, and beat you with experience.
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Last visit Tuesday, 18 February 22:17:11 UTC

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