Daomei (Leanon)Neela: I fail to see why it should have. There are practically no insults or personal attacks
So you would consider comments like:
to be inflammatory and derogative? I remember a time when all of the above would have been cracked down on and the offenders sent an email telling them to behave.
You have singled out a small number of offensive statements which were overshaded by a discussion widely concentrating on facts, views, opinions, not insults. Whether or not the contrahents should be disciplined for these few deviations is a matter of judgement of the Mods. As the discussion proper has not deteriorated in the course of postings, it is a valid decision not to warn or censor.
All in all, participants with quite different views, opinions, and playing record have brought up sensible and interesting points, Dainan and Tgmage clearly included (though I regret a bit the tone of frustration in Dainan's statements). There is much in the thread to think about and to learn from, no matter which conclusion one draws.
And still I fail to see reason for extensive policing.
Daomei die Streunerin - religionsneutral, zivilisationsneutral, gildenneutral