Ryzom Ring / Player created content

Suggestion to make the Ryzom Ring availlable to everyone. I have read alot about it from postings as far back as 2007 and it is shown on your web sit, BUT it appears dead currently. You many want to take a look at a game called "City of Heroes". They released a tool a couple of years ago that allows player to create their own scenarios which allowed their characters to skill up. It was a HUGE success for them. If you take a similar approach, it may bring in new players and create new content. The most popular scenarios could be rolled out as a part of the every day game play and thus players could leave their creative mark on the Ryzom world. This process would give not only give new game play, but allow your world to grow with new content.

One more idea would be to allow players with the skills to create new content from scratch. You would create a format/scene criteria that must be meet. The example I can best provide would be like in real world. there is a specific plot of land designated for a specific type of build. Either it be commercial or residential. The built out land must conform/blend with the existing areas building guide lines. This same methodological could be used in Ryzom Ring to create new areas using MESH like that is being done with Players would have a chance to play the new creation in a "holographic chamber" and report any bugs, suggestion and vote on it. The feedback could be relayed back to the creator, thus making changes/improvements. If the creation has been voted on enough to reach a baseline and meeting all the required specifications of available plot of land/area, it would be then tagged for review by the development teams and if all is well, could be slotted for inclusion on next build release. This methodology would save the developers a huge amount of time in creation and thus become the Quality Control Team.

“ It takes a person with vision to take something ordinary and make it extraordinary”
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Last visit Sunday, 24 November 01:49:09 UTC

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