Seemed to me like they were trying to disassociate PvP with factions. Most of us have had the attitude that PvP = FvF for a long time and it seems like these changes are attempting to steer us away from that mindset.
Personally I like it. There has been a lot of bad blood when Karas attack Karas and Kamis attack Kamis and I have noticed more recently there are some hypocritical types who have attacked indiscriminately any tagged players (under the guise of marauder RP) and then begged for help in Kara chat and throw around words like "Kami lovers" when they cop it back.
Im totally for the idea of tagged is tagged. Make tagged PvP a free for all, if someone doesnt want to fight they can choose not to tag. Pressing that button is basically signing a permission slip to be nuked/hacked/shot. Have at it!
Personally I like it. There has been a lot of bad blood when Karas attack Karas and Kamis attack Kamis and I have noticed more recently there are some hypocritical types who have attacked indiscriminately any tagged players (under the guise of marauder RP) and then begged for help in Kara chat and throw around words like "Kami lovers" when they cop it back.
Im totally for the idea of tagged is tagged. Make tagged PvP a free for all, if someone doesnt want to fight they can choose not to tag. Pressing that button is basically signing a permission slip to be nuked/hacked/shot. Have at it!