New patch 1.13

I think you're falling prey to the erroneous but emotionally very tempting and thus very common thought pattern that goes something like this: "Well this problem never affected *me*, therefore I cannot imagine it being a problem, therefore it cannot be a *real* problem. Therefore anyone claiming to be affected by it must just be exagerating and a solution that would mildly inconvenience me is unacceptable."

If you think the discussion is ridiculous, why don't you step out of it after voicing that you have no problem with anyone being able to see when you log on or off, and leave those of us who do have a problem with it to voice the fact that we do have a problem with it. Why on Atys would you feel the need to convince us that just because you fail to see a problem with it, it's ridiculous that we do?

I personally didn't even consider the stalking issue when seeing this feature, but now that it's been laid out to me, I agree it's a serious issue.
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