All this talk of subbing is a real turn off, not only on the forums but esp. in-game...
I don't want to think about real world expenses while playing in a virtual world (if I did want to do that I would play entropia).
Also, don't fall into the same trap that the horizons/istaria player base did--i.e. marketing for the game in return for in-game rewards--that's really really really lame.
I'd much prefer to simply play the game, and then when my character/avatar(bleh those a#$%^&@s)/toon/etc. reached a point where that became relevent, make a decision then.
As for percieved stalking, first ask yourself are they really stalking me or am i just freaking out? If so, ignore works quite well as I have found; after that, simply report them and then the CSR's can monitor both of you =P; they take that kind of thing very seriously. In my experience the CSR's are more ammenable than the "griefer".
Concerning the friends list:
A more realistic implementation at this point would be something along the lines of the client not allowing a person who has been ignored to friend that same person, and subsequently track them...seems more plausable at this point. I'd much prefer the "griefer" being restricted, or having to change rather than the "griefee".
this for soloreaper:
for the pvp flag, do you mean pvp like arena or pvp like dual OR pvp like fighting another with the pvp flag.
I got assassinated once while I had the flag on, but I never attacked that player and it remained; so do I need to attack them and do damage at least once as well??
I don't want to think about real world expenses while playing in a virtual world (if I did want to do that I would play entropia).
Also, don't fall into the same trap that the horizons/istaria player base did--i.e. marketing for the game in return for in-game rewards--that's really really really lame.
I'd much prefer to simply play the game, and then when my character/avatar(bleh those a#$%^&@s)/toon/etc. reached a point where that became relevent, make a decision then.
As for percieved stalking, first ask yourself are they really stalking me or am i just freaking out? If so, ignore works quite well as I have found; after that, simply report them and then the CSR's can monitor both of you =P; they take that kind of thing very seriously. In my experience the CSR's are more ammenable than the "griefer".
Concerning the friends list:
A more realistic implementation at this point would be something along the lines of the client not allowing a person who has been ignored to friend that same person, and subsequently track them...seems more plausable at this point. I'd much prefer the "griefer" being restricted, or having to change rather than the "griefee".
this for soloreaper:
for the pvp flag, do you mean pvp like arena or pvp like dual OR pvp like fighting another with the pvp flag.
I got assassinated once while I had the flag on, but I never attacked that player and it remained; so do I need to attack them and do damage at least once as well??