
Tribe Fame

There's no such thing as primary downgrades anymore...
Thanks for the clarification. Does this mean it is theoretically possible to simultaneously get all tribal fames up to their maximum caps?
Fame gain in general is a "Bell" curve, faster rate around zero, slower towards the edges;

Q3. Given the lack of observable precision, how can we be sure that the bell curve applies to collateral changes?

I guess I am wondering if anyone has ever documented something like this. We do fame missions for a primary civ/tribe which also results in 2 collateral changes:
  • Fame Primary changes ..... -10 => 10
  • 1st Collateral changes ........ -1 => 1 ...... (only 10% as much because collateral)
  • 2nd Collateral changes ...... 75 => 76 .... (only 10% x 50% as much because collateral AND bell effects)
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Last visit Monday, 17 February 10:15:16 UTC

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