Mutual GNU / Linux

Client won't start on linux

I would prefer to use the nouveau driver unless it's going to really hurt game play. I like the KMS that nouveau offers. Also, do you mean the multilib? I believe that's where pacman gets 32 bit binaries from for x64 systems. If so I already have it enabled and synced. With the nouveau driver the only error the terminal gives me is "segmentation fault." So I don't know which lib32 dependencies I am missing, if any. Is there a list somewhere so that I can check to make sure that I have all of the dependencies?

Additional: I loaded up the Nvidia driver and my error is actually "ERR f55cb700 driver_opengl_window.cpp 1068 setDisplay <Unknown> : glXChooseVisual() failed"

Also says, "NeL3D: OpenGL isn't initialized"

I think I may have a problem in my xorg.conf or xorg.conf.d. I don't know why else it would be having a problem. After looking on the net someone else didn't have a glx extention, but when I checked I did.

Here is the post

I would still prefer to get it working with nouveau.
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Last visit Friday, 7 March 02:52:26 UTC

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