Hi, I am running Arch Linux x64 with a Nvidia 8600GT card using the nouveau drivers. I downloaded Ryzom and installed it to a folder in my home directory. I ran the updater from the command line then tried to run the client the same way. After an few seconds the terminal spits out "Segmentation fault" and nothing happens. After reading around I noticed someone using Slackware x64 had the same problem and it was because they forgot to install something. I am wondering if I am having a similar problem. Can anyone help me troubleshoot this problem because I'm stumped at this point?
I have also been trying out the proprietary Nvidia drives, for this and other games. The client still didn't work. Something about glib error. I don't remember exactly.
log.log is around 700 lines, so it hasn't been much use to me either.
I have also been trying out the proprietary Nvidia drives, for this and other games. The client still didn't work. Something about glib error. I don't remember exactly.
log.log is around 700 lines, so it hasn't been much use to me either.