Thaxlssillyia (Leanon)
I've looked through it before and it doesn't appear to contain anything I'm interested in. Off topic, but what sort of things do people use from it? If we're talking about the source mode of a resource, I can keep a resource from dying or exploding without trouble by watching the bars. I don't dig anywhere dangerous yet. There's also "n mob hit you for this much at this location" but why do I need to see that? The rest, afaik, is all shown in messages at the bottom of my screen. On top of this, if text scrolls, it usually means I want to see what it says, which is false for most of SYS. INFO (so it would just be distracting and annoying). For the original opening post:
You might consider undocking your SysInfo Window. It contains A LOT of VERY useful information you dont want to miss.