
[Buying] Q200 2H Axe, HA, LA, Jewels

Woha miko-ito!

I am looking for multiple items, though not necessarily from the same crafter. I have tried to supply myself from vendor re-sells but it appears that a lot of higher quality items are simply not available this way.

I'd like all to be Q200 and at least choice grade. Any racial plan will do.
  • Long Axe, maximum damage
  • Heavy Armor, basic HP boost
  • Light Armor, basic focus boost
  • Jewel Set, basic HP boost, prefer poison/acid but any resists accepted
  • Jewel Set, basic focus boost

I offer dappers or basic/fine mats up to Q170, to be foraged. Expect future business for amicable transactions.
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Last visit Monday, 16 September 20:06:49 UTC

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