A teleport to your apartment/guild hall

Perhaps some people are "impulse buyers" and will stop and ignore their goal for the latest new shiny, but personally I'm not. If I am going to my apartment for whatever reason, regardless of how many stables and crowds I need to pass, my purpose is to go to my apartment. I'll wave as I pass by, but I've probably already been talking to half the people I'm waving at.

Pyr apartments are the best looking, in my opinion, but there's no way I'd ever try to walk to them. The walk through Fairhaven isn't much better, but at least it's mostly a straight line. Yrkanis from the Kara TP wins this comparison by a mile. Go figure, eh?

Because they are so out of the way, I only keep stuff in my apartment that is needed on an infrequent basis. When I need to go to my apartment, there is a sense of urgency, because someone (or I myself) needs something from there. It's not a casual visit. That is why we have packers and stables.
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Last visit Saturday, 28 September 08:31:11 UTC

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