
Control of multiple characters in OP Battles.

You get your panties in a wad whenever you start losing outposts, or die in PR, or lose in PvP, or in any situation where you don't win. You act no better than spoiled, self-absorbed, entitled children who can't accept that you're not always the best at everything. In that light, when it's not possible for someone to be "better" than you, anyone who DOES happen to beat you must be cheating. Get over yourselves.

Interesting response. I would like to point out that you are directing this at an entire faction and condemning our concerns as nonsense because of something you may have read from someone else in the past. I did not start this thread but I clearly stated my specific concerns, and what I wanted which was clarification from CSR's throughout my posts.

You would do well to keep your head in the future. I have been repeatedly trolled and flamed for voicing my concerns and have not trolled, flamed or harrassed anyone in return. Outbursts like your previous posts and Amnesias most recent post really say more about yourselves than the people they are directed at. If you are going to use real life similes like reasonable doubt in a murder trial, your comments here can be likened to a series of offensive racial slurs.

In the future if you are going to respond to my posts, please do so without your prejudice against my faction and read my words as they are written, not as you think they might be intended.


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