
Control of multiple characters in OP Battles.

This thread has gone on long enough. So I will explain our tactics to you and you can take your view from there....... So I can see how this setup would look like a bot. When it is in fact a bunch of people nukeing or healing off of the key people's target. So what you guys call cheating on our part is just simple lack of using the tools you have available to you.

First reasonable explanation I have seen for how your group looks on our side, and a very calm response from someone who has been openly accused of cheating. Would also be very easy for CSRs to determine whether that is the case or not. I dont know about everyone else but its good enough for me. I withdraw my earlier accusation.

I would still like to see a response from Mokoi about what is or is not accepted in a ticket as evidence when someone is suspected of using 3rd party software.


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Last visit Saturday, 28 September 18:57:30 UTC

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