
Control of multiple characters in OP Battles.

This thread has gone on long enough. So I will explain our tactics to you and you can take your view from there. Let's take just TI for example as we are all on vent and working together. As you all know that coordinating many people is a hard task to achieve, but by taking some of the guess work out by a few people will take your efforts to a entire new level. TI usually comes to battle or NPC hunts with 3-4 full teams and our way of getting people to work as one is as follows.
1 Team Lead -- Selects targets of Agro or Dead homins.
2 The Rest of the teams sets up as follows. They make 3 basic macros and uses nothing but these. First In game macro of the following setups. step One target entity's current target *team lead name here*. Second Step. Run shortcut with your nuke spell in it. Third Step Run Short with a rez spell in it. What this setup acheives is the following it will nuke your team leads target if its attackable or rez them if it's a dead Homin all in one key press.
Second Macro for the rest of the team. First step Target Entity *someone in team* Second step. run shortcut for the spot with a bomb heal HP/HP for 8.
Third Macro for the rest of the team. First step target Enity *team lead name* Second step Chat, Talk anybody, Say /follow.

Now every team member uses these 3 keys, Yes it may sound boring and blah blah but its effective and it only takes a few people to get to work together which is a lot easier then getting 40 people to work as one.

So I can see how this setup would look like a bot. When it is in fact a bunch of people nukeing or healing off of the key people's target. So what you guys call cheating on our part is just simple lack of using the tools you have available to you.


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Last visit Saturday, 28 September 19:00:17 UTC

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