
Control of multiple characters in OP Battles.

Weird but I had just read the mmorog.com thread on this topic yesterday and here we are again nothing has changed. Not only is new content a far off dream but new topics on forums as well. It's a shame. The Karas must admit that they are impossible to lead like herding cats.We have had some good fights recently(Ginti). We need to stop letting the Kami get in our heads.It is obvious that even with the no 3rd party software ban that it's unenforceable. So we either have to do whatever is neccassary to win or play fairly hopefully with some better tatics and hope for a fun fight. If we're getting whipped just surrender the day.Calling for CSRs is pointless.Those who can't accept the reality of the situation are going to be miserable. It comes down to balancing the friendships and gameplay of a different game or quitting if that's not enough to maintain the fun factor.

Well said KT!!!!


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Last visit Saturday, 28 September 19:10:08 UTC

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