
Control of multiple characters in OP Battles.

This kind of complaint is unavoidable in pvp games i suppose, I have played many.

but since we are all here to have fun why not just say "good job, get you next time" and go on and figure out how? yall won one a couple weeks ago and there were no forum posts complainig about how you were "cheating" and such. I like the people i fight, they let me have fun fighting them, would buy yall a beer if I could, but complaining about alts when yall had superior numbers? complainiing about account sharing when there were characters there on kara side when there were characters there who are KNOWN to have quit Ryzom? coem on guys, just have fun :)

Why would there be any complaining about karas cheating at the battle? No kara brings more than 1 healing alt to a battle, if that. We're supposed to be having fun with this? Being beaten down by a guild that would own nothing without the use of these bots. They can't even bare to be attacked without threatening counter-declares and attacks on allies to "take everything they have." Yes, PvP is fun for us, how is it fun for TI? Seems to me they don't like PvP, only winning. And dominating. And bullying others.

But that's not the point. This isn't about kara vs. kami now. This is asking CSRs to clarify if 3rd party programs are allowed so others may begin to use it and defend themselves against a bot army.
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Last visit Saturday, 28 September 19:04:51 UTC

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