
Control of multiple characters in OP Battles.

Im not claiming that these are alts. One does not have to be an alt to be a bot. Its easy to share login info and use others accounts. Im pointing at actions that cannot be done with "regular" gameplay. It is impossible for 5 different players to hit one player at the exact same second.

Another thing I want to take up is that if one wants to go in neutral in an OP fight, to gather proof of botting, one gets slammed with "im gonna ban u from the OP", "get out of here" etc, cause a neutral soaks heals. These are just screenshots from different OPs, that ive taken when Ive seen something suspicious.

The mail goal of this thread is to get CSRs attention. We have tried several tickets, coversations etc with the CSR team, but nothing is done.

wondering at what point it became your job to do such? where as we have had plenty of people come in neutral to soak up our heal pods and drag aggro onto them. saturday, yall had the numbers, we had the coordination, that's it
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Last visit Tuesday, 2 July 18:41:34 UTC

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