
Control of multiple characters in OP Battles.

3 seperate OP battles on the same night. 4 hours of non stop fighting. Those characters all moved on top of each other following him. They moved as one for the entire duration. Several times when I would attack one of Yakapos alts they would all target me simultaneously and I would instantly die. This kind of coordination can be a coincidence once or twice, but not repeatedly. There is no doubt by anyone on the Kara side of this battle that at very least Yakapo and Nitrouss were using 3rd party software to control several characters. It was with the use of these 2 groups that TI were able to win the battles. Without them the Karavan side had the upper hand. This is not the first OP this has been seen to happen at.

We are not simply complaining for the sake of it, or because we were defeated. We are complaining because our tickets have been ignored and TI continue to use this advantage to control every battle.

I want to see a response. What do we need to do to get the CSR's to take this seriously?


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Last visit Saturday, 28 September 18:56:13 UTC

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