
Control of multiple characters in OP Battles.

This is not a "Kami is best, Kara is best" topic. This is a specific complaint about the rules of the game being broken and the gained advantage being used by one specific guild to control the outcome of every battle and directly control the ownership of OP's.

The CSR's have shown a complete unwillingness to enforce this particular rule. Turning the forum topic into a flamefest will not make the issue go away. Either contribute or do not, but so far all you have said is: "They could be other players using assist and follow", "Karavans do it too", "Karavans only ever complain", "Kamis good Karavans bad".

If you are trolling in an attempt to get this thread deleted, please stop. Either contribute to the topic or stay out of it.


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Last visit Saturday, 28 September 19:10:17 UTC

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