
Control of multiple characters in OP Battles.

I tell you what. It's called ASSIST MACRO! Step 1: Target entity = Yakapo. Step 2: Target my target's target. Step 3: Use Shortcut = Whatever number your best spell is on.
You can also add a chat line in there saying /follow that will make you follow the target around like an ALT and if you keep pressing the macro you will fire upon enemy as soon as your Followee targets an enemy. It may look like he controlls you but i can assure you, he isn't.

Yes, but what is the command to make 8 alts assist and nuke at the EXACT same time? Give it up please. Atleast Ezex didn't deny the obvious botting. We have sent video proof to CSRs many times. They don't do anything. They're either Kami players or they don't want to cut the game's revenue by suspending/banning the offending players. And if they delete this comment/thread we know it's the former. It's getting redonkulous.
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Last visit Sunday, 16 June 08:59:13 UTC

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