
Control of multiple characters in OP Battles.

Personally, I wudn't use an alt for a CPer, healslave or anything else as, for me, the game's enjoyment is the coop aspect. A heal/dig whatever slave goes counter to that. 2nd, I look to the game as chance to relax & using multi toons req's a level of attention that Im not prepared to invest.

As most of you know I have no interest in PVP. The thing about this community tho is, for the most part over the years, the players have decided that despite game mechanics and pushes in various directions by the devs, it's always been a place where individuals wishes were respected.

We have maintained relationships w/ all guilds players & freely shared the bounty of our OP's or individual efforts with just about anyone who's ever asked. Having been asked to chime in here, while I personally have my own approach as described above, I wouldn't want to dictate my play style on anyone else. That's why I'm still here after almost 8 years in the 1st place.


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Last visit Monday, 17 February 08:31:21 UTC

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