problem I have with what I've seen of the player governments is that what the players say is usually of little consequence to what actually is decided/results.
I would disagree whole heartedly with your statement. Yes, many interactions are just information giving and I feel that this is a great way to interact with Events; however, the Taliari have affected the course of the events that were pertinent to the Lakes. Also, the subjects that the Taliari bring up and discuss have never been completely shot out of the water (except one and that was only after much discussion) - we just have to work at communicating what we are wanting to accomplish and come up with ways to accomplish it. There have even been many times that Events has helped us come up with solutions. But I can understand them expecting us to come up with clear ideas and solutions, I am sure the volunteer team (of 2 at the last event meeting I went to) has enough to do already and if we want to implement something new, we should do the background work - I mean it is OUR government after all.
In short, my personal view on the subject of player governments is that you get out of it what you put into it. If you don't put in some time and effort then how can you expect to get results?
Peace, Luv & Cookies,Inifuss