Temporary Insanity

Hey there TI! Sorry for leaving on short notice earlier today. I checked in with Yakapo, but should have also said something in Guild Chat before hitting that Leave button. I realized it too late, and meant no disrespect. Please forgive me!

Thank you all for your hospitality these past two weeks. In regards to playstyle (and particularly faction. Jena's winning Roiand and I over!) Roiand and I think it's best if we continue our search for the right guild. I look forward to repeated beatings at the hands of your guild at future outpost battles.

Thanks again guys. Let me know if you need someone to collect clopper secretion or some similarly unpleasant task as a show of good faith. There's no changing that I left too suddenly, but I don't want to leave any sore feelings. : )

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Last visit Wednesday, 18 September 13:34:34 UTC

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