Temporary Insanity

First of all i'd like to welcome all of our newest members to TI, i won't name names, too many of you. You know who you are. :)
Secondly, TI has gotten back into the swing of NPC hunts every weekend, all are welcome to join, please consult the previous posts which state the division system of loot. Time for the hunts is still up for debate so if you are interested please contact a High Officer to either suggest a time or find what time the hunt will be that weekend.

As for other information TI is actively recruiting as you've seen above, if you like crude humor, PvP and are 18 years or older come and join us!

As a side note: MOAR PVP!!!


The fail whale!


My name is Lil, but you may call me Your Majesty. ;)
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Last visit Wednesday, 18 September 13:28:15 UTC

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