Mercenary TPs

This discussion is as old as the introduction of the cults as a gaming mechanism. Currently a cult allegiance gives a player access to a lot more teleport pacts than a neutral player, but this was originally planned as a temporary issue. The cult system was introduced with the Temple War which for the first time (outside of single events) pitted Kamists versus Karavaneers, that time simply based on fame. So a +0 Kami fame made you Kamist and a -0 made you justs a Anti-Kami.

The second phase was the revamp of the Fame system, which introduced the rites to align with a Cult and/or Nation. Also during this phase all inoperable altars were activated, all non capital altars in regions became accessible to cult members only and you receive a message about the current control status when you enter a new region. This is when the teleport system we use today was introduced.

The third phase would have been the Spires expansion which should have brought the game mechanisms for region control by the two cults. This would also have opened all non purple and non prime roots altars to all neutral players, depending on the control status of a region. So to enter a Karavan controlled region the neutral play would have gained access to the Karavan altar, while the Kami altar wouldn't have been accessible by anyone as long as the region was Karavan controlled.

Since the third phase never was realized, and as far as I know isn't off the table completely, maybe a few adjustments to the access to teleport pacts should be made. My first idea is to allow neutrals to purchase teleport pacts from the altars in all blue cities.


Trini | 'Ys kard' | Arispotle
First and last of the Darkmoor Rangers

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