I will briefly address some of Loryen's claims about lore, but any extraneous dialog really belongs in-game or in a different thread.
Thanks for cutting off any opportunity for rebuttal...but probably for the best. Instead I will just let you argue my point.
And we see that Erizon is absolutely right. Despite the obvious story-line reasons for remaining neutral, many players feel that not getting lost in zora isn't quite a compelling enough game mechanical reason to give up easy access to high level zones and so they give up on pretending there is a story at all, just to tech out the game system. This is, in fact, what I have been told to do time and time again: Don't treat it as a world, treat it as a story-less strategy game, and then you can justify aligning. I am surprised that players like loryen who attest that players who ignore lore "cheapen" the game for him do not, therefore, support an adjustment that would make acknowledging the lore less penalized by the game system.
You say Erizon is right and I agree with you...he is. But he says that the primary reason to remain neutral is "expediency and practicality", and that is because given the option the majority of people will disregard the story and lore when is conflicts with ease of gameplay. And yes, to me this "cheapens" the game; munchkinism "cheapens" any game. But worse...altering the mechanics of the game to appease munchkins not only cheapens, but dumbs down and wrecks the game for me.
regardless of how compelling a storyline is, expediency and practicality wins the hearts of the overwhelming majority compared to strong adherence to the story
In fact, I would so so far as to suggest that if you do not want to work for one of the divine powers on Atys you do not get rezzed (and no, I never claimed either faction cares about homin, that is a claim the Karavan make only...Kami acknowledge their only concern is Atys, but Atys happens to be Loryen's home...easy decision for me). Once again, why should they bother wasting their resources?