
LFT Channels

Well I suggest that we create a general LFT/LFG channel where people could just either
-advertise their skills
-start a new team
-recruit missing members for their team
while we wait for devs to implement it.
If we all advertise it in guild MOTDs and ask the CSRs to pretty please announce it in Serverwide MOTD, I'm sure it could work.
Looking for a team or a member to complete your team ? Join the "Looking For Teammates" channel by typing /channel LFT in chat. (To leave the channel, simply type /channel LFT *.)

Then Uni and Faction chats wouldn't be as spammed for teams... though it would remove one more source of activity for faction chat, but that's only a minor bummer.


Crazy Marshmallow Lady
Former Guild Leader of Exodus Syndicate
Member of Phaedra's Tears
Girl Playing Roles
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