Temporary Insanity

Time for a new update of our High Officers and Officers!!! So if those who are interested in joining know who to contact.

Guild Leader: Yakapo
High Officer: Liliang (Best to contact for a guild invite or questions)
High Officer: Aeralin
High Officer: Cabelyn
High Officer: Ezex
High Officer: Himiko
High Officer: Iwishiwasfive
High Officer: Jawjut
High Officer: Khandoma
High Officer: Kwipers
High Officer: Mathea
High Officer: Nitrouss
High Officer: Stitch
High Officer: Mashed
Officer: Cliffarson
Officer: Dyvin
Officer: Faile
Officer: Lovemenot
Officer: Raggedy
Officer: Caneloppe
Officer: Frivolous
Officer: Grimbloodbane
Officer: Ikarra
Officer: Erbauer
Officer: Boojay
Officer: Acroxiae
Officer: Arkadian
Officer: Ruhen
Officer: Ulykus
Officer: Sarifina
Officer: Kaisora
Officer: Nynawe
Officer: Stavius
Officer: Kaean


The fail whale!


My name is Lil, but you may call me Your Majesty. ;)
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Last visit Wednesday, 18 September 13:35:18 UTC

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