Love the idea about the stables and i would have the stables only accessible to the owning guild and the food be half price to encourage folks to use it more thought would be needed to make the stables a balanced option that has matching worth to the guild as any other option.
The main reason for spliting the watch tower and barracks is that you don't want 1 building to over power another as some balance is needed. This is also true for the potential risk factor of stuffing lots of boss materials into the Storage Vault and potentially losing them. The window could be extended to upto 72 hours from the end of the Defense Phase however any longer would allow the owning guild to keep more storage than the should compared to other guilds.
The Risk factor retains the realism of Ryzom and works well with the risk/gain ratio, you could lose what you put into the Storage Vault but you would have plenty of warning first 24 hours worth of declaration time then the time to the defense phase and i'm sure most guilds would empty the storage vault during the Attack and Defense phase then you add 24-72 hours and that is a considerable amount of time to remove what is essentially upto 2 packers worth of bulk (under the suggested amounts it may even be worth keeping the numbers simple and add 1 packers worth of bulk per 50th level but i would grant the 250 outposts more to encourage more Outpost activity)
The main reason for spliting the watch tower and barracks is that you don't want 1 building to over power another as some balance is needed. This is also true for the potential risk factor of stuffing lots of boss materials into the Storage Vault and potentially losing them. The window could be extended to upto 72 hours from the end of the Defense Phase however any longer would allow the owning guild to keep more storage than the should compared to other guilds.
The Risk factor retains the realism of Ryzom and works well with the risk/gain ratio, you could lose what you put into the Storage Vault but you would have plenty of warning first 24 hours worth of declaration time then the time to the defense phase and i'm sure most guilds would empty the storage vault during the Attack and Defense phase then you add 24-72 hours and that is a considerable amount of time to remove what is essentially upto 2 packers worth of bulk (under the suggested amounts it may even be worth keeping the numbers simple and add 1 packers worth of bulk per 50th level but i would grant the 250 outposts more to encourage more Outpost activity)