At the Ready Weapon/Item

Ha!...As I said I would be happy either way (or even no is afterall just a suggestion, and I obviously like the game as it is), but not only did I give justification for why a switch taking 2/3 (or 7/8 or 1/2) the normal time is justified and "realistic"...but the second option, with the ready item causing malus is even more "realistic" than both the current situation and my original suggestion.

You want to make a claim for "realism"? Try having the weight of what you are carrying cause malus...the more you carry, the harder it is to do anything; digging would get harder and harder as you full your bags. Want another one? Lets have the equipment switch time change with the amount of malus...I mean it would be much easier to maneuver to grab something off your person while wearing LA than HA...I mean if a modicum of realism is what we want...
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Last visit Tuesday, 18 June 11:52:15 UTC

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