There are a multitude of ways to lead a raid, and a multitude of ways to communicate within a raid. To try force a set chain of command into a game like Ryzom, that is built around freedom of characters (no clear standard builds), is in my opinion a Really bad idea.
We already have the option to make our own chat channels, even with passwords. To make everyone force-join the "right" channel when joining a raid/trek/whatever is to dumb the game down. Its needed to guide people into understanding the game, where its already done, but please stop at that level.
20+ people PvE raids has already been done in ryzom, with great success. -even with cross raidgroup healing, and advanced healing tecniques required.
The only thing I personally miss ingame in relation to raids, is more people making them, more raid-size targets with rewards worth going for, and a option to "link" teams so one could see more than one groups status. ..and a way to set Team Leaders.
We already have the option to make our own chat channels, even with passwords. To make everyone force-join the "right" channel when joining a raid/trek/whatever is to dumb the game down. Its needed to guide people into understanding the game, where its already done, but please stop at that level.
20+ people PvE raids has already been done in ryzom, with great success. -even with cross raidgroup healing, and advanced healing tecniques required.
The only thing I personally miss ingame in relation to raids, is more people making them, more raid-size targets with rewards worth going for, and a option to "link" teams so one could see more than one groups status. ..and a way to set Team Leaders.