Temporary Insanity

TI is recruiting again, As a Guild we have completed all PvE content,
marauder HA bosses 4/4.
marauder LA bosses 2/2.
All other's killed on sight.
If you are +18 years or older, have a master melee+ele+heals, and would like to join our marauder team, feel free to send any of the officers or high officers a tell.
DKP system for all new recruits who are willing to put in the time to earn there own sets.


Peace is a lie, there is only passion.
Through passion, you gain strength.
Through strength, you gain power.
Through power, you gain victory.
Through victory, your chains are broken.
Ma-Duk shall free you.
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Last visit Sunday, 16 February 17:13:05 UTC

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