
Difference between Ryzom and other games

Probability vs Knowledge

In most other games your status is determined by luck. Repeating the same action over and over, for example killing monsters, visiting dungeons etc to get a superb reward. Example an epic sword with a drop chance of 0.03%

In Ryzom you have access to almost every resource. Your knowledge what to do with it is the key. Want an epic sword? Craft one. The borders are fading slowly though, with the Outpost Tools and Bonuses one has to repeat a certain action even in Ryzom, hoping for the 5% or 20% chance.

Item Binding vs Item Losing

Going hand in hand with the previous rare drops, in most games equipment or items like this bind to the character. Once aquired, always kept. To keep the players busy, new equipment must constantly be added.

Not so in Ryzom, everything you own vanishes over time. Got that epic sword? Use it and it is going to break sooner or later. This is also a logical consequence, otherwise nobody would need new stuff, nobody needs to pick up crafting.
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Last visit Wednesday, 27 November 03:13:15 UTC

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