
Competition types in Ryzom

But that's just me. On the other hand, I had a dear friend who, if you were to aggro-drag on him, he would see it as a challenge, and should he survive, he would never let you live down the fact that you were too n00b to aggro-drag properly, and proceed to give you practical tuitions...lots of practical tuitions. There is competition here, but the game was not built for competition, it is not ingrained. It's there, it can be put together, but you will have to find willing partners, like my old friend.

Huek, I think you can get the competitive buzz you want, you just need to find the right clique of ppl to enjoy it with, but bear in mind, not everybody is of your mindset, and while you rightly reserve the right for competition, try not to deny others the right of more co-operation. Sounds cheesy I know, but that's the problem you get with a game like Ryzom, lots of mouths to feed and egoes to manage :D
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