
Competition types in Ryzom

I am not sure how to answer that Erizon, but I will try.

That conversation was about kill-stealing. I was curious after reading in-game rules, where it's stated that killing a boss while other team is already trying can grant you a punishment from CSRs. Forbidden.

Bosses, like outposts, are scarce resources and they are not in private instances. Limited number for the whole server means conflict, and conflict is part of online games. It makes sense to me and to most of players around the world.

It was said that the very high level bosses have lots of minions who need to be killed in order to reach the final fight, so it was problematic if another team came to get the boss for free despite of the first team's efforts.

I called that being opportunist, others said that was being lame. Different opinions are healthy. But then I was called a griefer myself and asked to leave the game (unpolitely). It is not the first time I see this behaviour from old players and nothing damages the game more than that.

Back to the point, there are many ways to handle that situation. Should the second team fight for the boss? Should they leave the area? Should that area be marked as arena? The answer for this question defines what kind of community you are.

Anyhow the goal of this thread is making clear what kinds of competition are supported by the game and allowed by the community, so new players know what they can find. Let's stick to the subject please.
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Last visit Monday, 17 February 08:41:08 UTC

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