When you reach a certain fame and do a rite, you get to be a Karavaneer, or a Fyros Patriot. But there are many players who do not choose a side, and some who even work hard to get max fame in all four races and both factions. It would be nice for them to receive a title as well for all of their hard work. Some suggestions were:
They already exist......
If ya wanna like eveybody:
The Theists have their Kami and Karavan fame +25 or above (they are PRO-RELIGION)
The Hominists have every civilization at +25 or above (they are PRO-NATION).
If ya wanna be unliked by everybody:
he Marauders have all civilization fames at -25 or below (they are ANTI-NATION)
The Antitheists have both Karavan and Kami fame at -25 or below(they are ANTI-RELIGION)
Details posted here: